Watching the Daily Politics on Friday I was deeply offended, not to say enraged. The cause of this offence one Muhammad Shafiq who has himself claimed to have been so deeply offended by a tweet from the Lib Dem candidate for Hampstead and Kilburn, Maajid Nawaz, containing a link to a Jesus and Mo cartoon that he has called for his de-selection. I need hardly add that Mr Nawaz as a consequence has received death threats and is now receiving police protection. The offending Cartoon Mr Shafiq’s interview on the DP was an interesting case study in the manufacture of outrage, following a template set by the Danish cartoons affair. Mr Shafiq a typical trouble maker, a self obsessed narcissist, self promoter and at heart of course a nobody, who by hijacking religious sensibilities creates a furore loud enough to get him interviewed on TV. His tactics, to magnify any original offence, affect to be speaking for the great multitudes of his co-religionists and to exhibit two sets of...