
Showing posts from October, 2020


 Trump, Putin and the Looming Threat For the first time in my life my political gaze has been primarily across the Atlantic, rather on domestic politics here in the UK. For the stakes involved in the forthcoming Presidential election could not be greater. Trump’s election, coming so soon after the Brexit vote represented the highpoint of populist neo fascism and the Putin project.   Putin knows that the collapse of the Trump presidency and the election of Joe Biden will represent an ominous turn for Russia on the world stage. For Trump and those enablers around him the consequences will be more concrete and personal, some will surely go to jail. Trump should go to jail, there is a positive embarrassment of riches with regard to the list of offences for which he can be charged, obstruction of justice, fraud, electoral violations, non payment of taxes...the list goes on. The primary crime to which he should be charged is, of course, treason. Stakes this high bring with them the attenda