On Monday, the day after the closing ceremony at the Sochi games the defendants in the so called Bolotnaya Case will be sentenced. The trial in Moscow represents a modern day Russian show trial. The defendants had all protested against Putin’s return to the Kremlin on 6 May 2012 in Bolotnaya Square . They were met with brutal police violence and were all charged with riot. You can read more about the trial here, http://www.amnesty.org/en/news/russia-guilty-verdict-bolotnaya-case-injustice-its-most-obvious-2014-02-21 . Though receiving considerable publicity the case is only one of many such trials representing Putin’s ongoing clampdown on freedoms of assembly, association and expression. In the run up to the games Putin sought to soften western criticism by releasing members of Pussy Riot and the Greenpeace activists and by adopting his best Mr Reasonable tone. Now as the last Olympic competitors clear passport control Russian opponents of Putin have good reason to be af...