The Unmentionable Odor of Death Welcome to 2015 Amidst the mass of justifications, apologia and weasel words that poured out following the Charlie Hebdo massacre, few comments were quite as disgusting as the cry that has gone up if satirizing religion was ok why not to make jokes about the holocaust? Here is the execrable Mehdi Hasan:- “Has your publication, for example, run cartoons mocking the Holocaust? No? How about caricatures of the 9/11 victims falling from the twin towers? I didn’t think so…” Mehdi Hasan Well once you manage to clamber over your sense of disgust and pondering of the question of “why would you want to,” you soon realize that sand is being thrown in your eyes. As David Paxton points out in his brilliant dissection , by far and away the best piece written about the Charlie Hebdo affair:- ‘ Mocking Islam is not the same as antisemitism. Why? Because anti-Judaism is not the same as antisemitism. They were not abusing all...