My past is everything I failed to be.” Fernando Pessoa, Book of Disquiet Of all human facilities memory is the least reliable and one of the most important. Without memory we cease to be who we are, or more accurately who we have become. Yet we fictionalise our lives to an extraordinary degree, creating patterns and order where there was none. We operate always with hindsight, -we know how things turned out, -and fabricate a narrative to explain our current predicament. Lost in all this is the chaos of contingency, the million and one possibilities, the roads we did not take. In addition to all this this narrative is highly selective, from the millions of possible moments we select but a few, then memory edits and chooses the angle from which we view this thing called our past. We become victims of the propaganda of memory. I envy, but am suspicious of autobiography, the meticulously arranged chronology, the neat history of a life described in detail. My own memory a...