The fate of this government was largely decided on a particular day in July 2012. It was the day that saw the debate on a Lib Dem sponsored move reform the House of Lords. It was a terrible bill that sought to replace the current unelected chamber with a glorified quango. It deserved to be defeated and so it was by the united ranks of Conservative backbenchers. However it was less the fact of its defeat than the manner that proved significant. As Tory backbencher after backbencher rose to their feet to pour buckets of warm spittle over the head of Nick Clegg and his Liberal Democrat colleagues. The Tories burst free of the shackles of coalition and took enormous pleasure out of letting their true feelings about Clegg and the Lib Dems pour out onto the pages of Hansard. All good House of Commons knockabout fun , here is Sir Malcolm Rifkind doing a particularly good job from [1.20 minutes in]. Only problem was that Lords reform was part of an agreed package of reforms...