After Charlie Hebbdo, after November in Paris and now Brussels, after the flags flying in solidarity, the tricolour projected onto buildings and monuments, after the altered avatars declaring that we are all Charlie, Belgian or Parisians, after all the instant analysis and 24hr rolling news coverage, can the penny finally have dropped in the silence of the heart? It is you they want to kill. They want to kill you for everything you are and for everything you are not. If you are a Muslim, cuts no ice with them, at least not until you are willing to cut your kufr neighbours throat. Foreign policy, Israel, Iraq, Tony Blair, Donald Trump, blasphemy, cartoons and anything else you want to add on, -Sykes Piquet perhaps, or the Crusades, - have nothing to do with it. They want to kill you because you do not see the world as they do. They want to kill you because you dance and listen to music. They want to kill you because you laugh and sing in the bath and live your life with...