I read in one of the free newspapers last week that the decision that Abu Qatada can be deported to Jordan was described as inhumane by Omar Bakri Mohammed of Al Muhajiroun. This is the same man who has defended beheadings, stoning of women and even the Beslan school massacre. Presumably beheading being a more humane response than say garrotting or hanging drawing and quartering!
It is difficult to know quite how to respond to this disgusting man, however there is a Yiddish word and somehow it feels apposite to respond in Yiddish, the word is chutzpah, though a doubt that Mr Bakri Mohammed will appreciate the subtly and wit of the expression.

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The Pakistani Government have now reached a deal by which Sharia law is to be introduced in the Swat region in exchange for the Taliban ending a campaign of terror, involving beheadings, assassination and the burning down of girls schools. It must now be clear to all that Pakistan, never a success story, is now emerging as one of the most unstable states in the region; it is now seriously in danger of becoming a failed state, a failed state that possesses nuclear weapons slipping slowly under control of Islamicist ideologues.
Civil and secular society within Pakistan is now under siege. Led by Islamicist fanatics the assault on the rights of women in particular threatens to enslave generations of young Pakistani women. Where is the voice of international solidarity? In particular where are the ranks of feminists protesting in solidarity with their sisters[1]outside the Pakistani embassies in the US, Europe and beyond? The silence is deafening![2]

[1] Not that I believe that these concerns should not be taken up by all.
[2] If I have missed any such protests I would welcome any evidence to the contrary.

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