I’m reluctant to talk about Mr Galloway again, so much so that I have put off writing about him, but eventually you cannot ignore the smell in your nostrils.

The last time I mentioned Mr Galloway’s name in what in fact was intended as an attack on the so called ‘Stop the War Coalition’ I got the usual response, along the lines of ‘that’s George for you a suitable case for satire!’ This of course is part of the image Mr Galloway likes to cultivate, Gorgeous George, the cheeky chappie, who likes appearing on Big Brother, jocular Georgie the Talksport shock Jock.
There is however another George, this is the George who displays, in Christopher Hitchens words ‘ a different set of manners,’ when meeting Middle Eastern dictators such as the thuggish Mr Bashar al-Assad the President of Syria. Mr Galloway informs the Syrian people how fortunate they are to have such a ruler. Not fortunate enough however to vote for him in free and fair elections!
Perhaps I should pass over the praise for Saddam Hussain’s “courage and intafatgability” but again perhaps not. Nor can I refrain from drawing attention to his close ‘friendship,’ Galloway’s words not mine, with Tariq Aziz Saddam’s fixer on the international stage, the Iraqi Albert Speer. Most of all I want to draw attention to the fact that Mr Galloway fronts a programme on Press TV, the Iranian Government’s propaganda arm, in which he lauds Iranian democracy! A government incidentally which employs hit squads to murder its opponents overseas, including the UK.
Now in all of this I am sure I could find Mr Galloway comic, however I have just watched the BBC documentary about the murder of a young Iranian woman by the Iranian government and the doctor who sought to save her life, now that most despised of all individuals in the UK, the Asylum seeker, speak in fear of his life, threatened by Iranian death squads.
So let me be clear I find nothing comic, cuddly or endearing about Mr Galloway, he is a thug, an apologist for tyranny and murder, he is in a long line of such individuals, the most prominent hitherto being Lord Haw Haw.

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