Watching some fanatic shouting insanely from a balcony, an incoherent raging rant, almost certainly to no one, as his criminal dictatorship collapsed around him. This following on from the collapse of similar autocratic regimes in Egypt and Tunisia, regimes we were informed 'we could do business with' since they were both reliable and stable and certainly impossible candidates for ‘western’ style democracy. We are having our eyes and ears stuffed with history.
In Paris in the failed revolution of 1968 there was a slogan, Be Realistic Demand the Impossible, such slogans don’t just live in the imagination, we are seeing them enacted on the streets of the Maghreb.
In Paris in the failed revolution of 1968 there was a slogan, Be Realistic Demand the Impossible, such slogans don’t just live in the imagination, we are seeing them enacted on the streets of the Maghreb.