Whatever else is apparent about the royal wedding one thing is clear, the event does seem to have international appeal, the Windsor brand sells, particularly in the US, everything from carpet slippers, to quilt covers, tea towels and teapots can be shifted by the global phenomenon that is the Windsor franchise. Moreover what PR company could purchase such media coverage, indeed no purchase required, not even a backhand bung, free publicity, indeed propaganda, by the bucket load.

All this set me thinking and I would consequently  like to make a modest proposal that I think would address the needs of both royalists and republicans alike. I say set the monarchy free, let them capitalise on the enormous financial potential  that will be House of Windsor PLC. At the moment millions are being made across the world from products bearing the Windsor imprint, none of this cash goes to HM holdings. Once privatised they could quickly patent the Windsor brand and start to see the tills rapidly fill with cash, those who wish to swoon and pay good money to see this crowd, with its overabundance of mediocrity, could continue to do so, indeed provided you had enough money you could eat with a Duchess or have tea with a Princess. Supermarket opening, product endorsement, seats on the board, there would be no end to cash making ventures. As I say those who wish to drool and salivate over the activities of this clan could continue to do so, the rights to the next royal wedding could be given to the highest bidder, the best democracy money could buy, bid for a royal wedding seat on the internet, first prize a seat at the top table during the reception.

Meanwhile the rest of us could set about creating a modern democratic state. A head of state would be elected; the royal prerogative dismantled and handed over to the democratic will of the House of Commons. Palaces and parks would be returned to the people of England from whom they had been taken, though as an act of generosity I would let them keep Sandringham.

All should be happy with this arrangement, those enamoured of the Royals could continue to worship at the House of Windsor, whilst the rest of us could settle into the adult life of a republic.

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