Not my self naturally inclined to conspiracy theories, of which in the last thirty years there has developed a plethora, they represent an interesting phenomena. The roots of this phenomenon are however complex, I would hazard a guess that one of the reasons for the growing tendency is the reality of powerlessness that so many people experience. Better by far to be the holder of ‘secret’ truths hidden from the mass of the people, to be one who truly ‘knows.’ No end of contrary evidential proof has any traction with these people; a truly held conspiracy theory is evidence proof. From the Kennedy assassination through the ‘hoaxed’ Moon landings to the 9/11 ‘Truthers’ there is no end of fresh recruits to the ever growing army of conspiracy theorists. The latest conspiracy theory involves the ‘myth’ of global warming, which is, disturbingly, increasingly gaining ground in more mainstream media circles, a charge led, incidentally by, among others, the increasingly absurd Lord Lawson.

Connected to this, although separate as a phenomena, are the proponents of various ‘new age’ quackery, aromatherapy, homeopathy and a whole raft of hocus pocus masquerading as alternative, or labelled more innocuously, complimentary therapies* with Prince Charles as the supreme cheerleader. Lingering in the background the ghostly figures of sundry ‘faith healers; spiritualists and exorcists.

The natural cousins of these snake oil salesman are the creationists, who have also sought to re-brand themselves with the label of intelligent design, religious fundamentalists of all the three monotheism's united by a hatred of the hard realities of science that destroy the creation myths of their sacred texts.

The triumph of science has thrown up a resistant strain of the virus homo ignoramus and it requires serious attention.

*In 2007 I managed a small drug treatment agency in West London which offered 'alternative therapies,' I discovered that I could get increased funding for this element of the service provided we cooperated with the Kings Fund to establish the scientific validity of the treatment provided. The practitioner involved froze like a rabbit in headlight when informed of this proposal and refused to engage with any such investigation, informing me, off the record that his treatment represented little more than a startling example of the placebo effect.

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