The Devil and the Tory Blue Sea.  

It is a constant source of surprise to Londoners that the majority of people in the UK live outside this great metropolis and of even greater astonishment that they should choose to do so. So with apologies for those living outside the pale of civilisation. 

In a few weeks time Londoners will be going to the polls to elect a new mayor, on the morning after they will awake to find either Boris Johnson or Ken Livingstone occupying the role. The prospect of either fills me with a kind of low grade nausea, a mixture of powerlessness and despair, however the prospect of Mr Livingstone returning to power fills me with horror. Though a victory for Boris would be seen as a vindication of their policies by the Tories. The devil and the Tory blue sea.   
Mr Livingstone, who deprived Londoners of the chance to vote for the articulate, humane and eminently electable Oona King, seems to suffer from what can only be described as the Putin syndrome, i.e. once elected to a political office he believes it to be his by right in perpetuity.
The election of tax dodging Mr Livingstone would see a return of the worse kind of gesture politics, cronyism and the feting of Islamacist fellow travellers such as Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, who has condoned suicide murder of civilians.

In a recent speech Mr Livingstone stated that he wants to make London a ‘beacon for Islam,’ going on he pledged to ‘educate the mass of Londoners in Islam.' saying: ‘That this will help to cement our city as a beacon that demonstrates the meaning of the words of the Prophet.’  But why single out Islam in particular, what about Christianity or Judaism, better still what about a beacon for the secular enlightenment?
Mr Livingstone represents all that has gone wrong with the left, he is a shady and unpleasant man trying on populist clothes when it suits him or pandering to Islamic extremists when he feels this might give him some electoral leverage.
I shall be voting for the independent candidate Siobhan Benita who hasn’t got a prayer. Still I will leave the polling booth feeling clean and not in need of a good scrub down.

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