There is some Tory MP by the name of Bone;[1] who seems to imagine it is the height of wit to adopt the device of quoting the real or imagined remarks of Mrs Bone as if she were the font of all wisdom and something called ‘common sense.’ Can someone please advise him to the contrary by playfully striking him on the head with a plank of wood?

I would say I do not mind so much the constant rain,[2] but this would be untrue since I do mind, I take it personally, but what really irks me is to be constantly told that it is the wrong sort of rain, rain at the wrong time or simply insufficient to deal with the drought.[3] Thames Water have now taken it upon themselves to place adverts on the tube at every stage of your ascent or descent on the escalator pushing this latter point home, this feels like having a custard pie rubbed in your face just as you are about to emerge once more onto the London Streets to get yet another soaking.

The astonishing arrogance of your average right wing Tory MP demanding that the coalition government become more Conservative; it is worth remembering that the Conservatives did not win the last general election and have not done so since 1992 under John Major! Thus John Major achieved a victory against all odds in 1992 that Cameron was unable to achieve in 2010 with everything in his favour!

Rule one of right wing governments; keep the police and the armed forces sweet, you may need them. This government seems spectacularly to have alienated both today …’about 20,000 off-duty police officers are expected to March in central London and plan to wear a total of 16,000 black caps to mark projected job losses over the next four years.’[4] It will be interesting to see how it is policed, somewhat more sensitively than the students protesting against student fees I suspect. We are living in interesting times.

Two items in the Queens speech that need to be vigorously opposed, the continued onslaught on workers employment rights and the sinister ‘snoopers charter.’

[1] These names are like open goals screaming for you to make the obvious reference.
[2] It has rained practically every day now in London for the last four weeks.
[3] All of which is probably true, though I would be a little more convinced of their passion for water conservation if they took the myriad leaking water mains scattered across London a little more seriously.
[4] http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2012/may/09/public-sector-workers-strike-cuts
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