I am not sure what I feel
about the ludicrous ‘pleb-gate’ or ‘gate-gate’ or ‘Toff-gate’ affair, when a
government minister lost his rag with a policeman and started hurling abuse in
his general direction allegedly calling him, amongst other things, a ‘pleb.’

One of the curious aspects
of the affair was that everyone immediately seemed to believe the police account
rather than that of the execrable Mr Mitchell, this after Hillsborough, the
attempted cover up of the death of the newspaper seller Brian Tomlinson and
myriad other examples of police lying. For my self I would now no longer ever
automatically believe the un-corroborated account of any policeman, I rely in
such circumstances on the balance of probabilities. The police are, in this
country, not a militia they are civilians in uniform and whilst they ought to
be accorded enough respect to be able to carry out their duties, I
would be very wary of according them any other special status.
As to my own particular
prejudices and snobbery I need only take one look at Mr ‘thrasher’*Mitchell to
perceive a public school jerk, a posh boy who like so many of his ilk does not possess
basic courtesy and good manners. The language strikes me as all too probable.
We should be grateful to him for exposing the true thinking behind this government;
we are all plebs in their eyes.
*His public school