‘FRANCO’S FRIENDS’ PETER DAY * Biteback Publishing Ltd 2011 . In 1940 Arthur Koestler, who had just escaped from the advancing German army in France , produced a book about his experience of being detained by the French authorities; he called his book ‘Scum of the Earth.’ I recommend the book to anyone interested in twentieth century history, particularly anyone interested in what became of those who had fought so heroically for Republican Spain. Trotsky famously coined the phrase ‘dustbin of history,’ Koestler describes what it is like to live there. It is a painful read for anyone, like me, who has felt something of the nobility of the Spanish revolutionaries of 1936. Rothermere and Friend Mr Day has written about the British citizens who backed the other side in the Spanish struggle, who were overwhelmingly drawn from the British establishment. It is I think not unfair to describe them as being representative of the thinking of the elite who r...