LABOUR councillors are blocking plans to honour campaigning journalist Christopher Hitchens with a statue, with one of them branding the late writer as a “pro-war Islamophobe”.

An Open Letter to Councillor Awale Olad 

I read your exchange of E-mails with the British Humanist Society in the Camden New Journal, I quote;

“I don’t mean to speak ill of the dead but I would resign before I’d ever support the bust of a pro-war Islamophobe,” he wrote.

Now I do not know how familiar you are with the work of Christopher Hitchens, but the remarks above suggest very little familiarity, indeed these remarks suggest ignorance of his writings. Christopher always used to say that as soon as the opponent in a debate slips into, as you obviously so easily do, the ad hominem, the argument is as good as won. Vulgar abuse and misrepresentation are not argument. It now seems to be standard form to accuse anyone who attacks the teaching of Islam as an ‘Islamaphobe[1],’ this is supposed to serve two purposes, one to shut down all argument and  two place the accuser on the high moral ground. It is in fact the waving of the flag of defeat, though often backed up by the threat of physical violence. Ever since the Rushdie affair we have had to get used to dialogue along the lines of ‘respect our religion or take the consequences.’ This is the language of The Mob, though also of course the language of the three great monotheisms across the centuries. Christianity has lost both the power and the ‘moral’ will to execute heretics and apostates, only Islam continues to practise these charming rites.
Christopher took on all these practices far more articulately than I ever could and debated the believers in Christianity, Judaism and Islam in open debate, though only practitioners of the latter religion sent him death threats.
As to Christopher’s stance on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, his position throughout was a moral one. Unlike the majority of the ‘anti war’ crowd he knew something of the reality of Saddam’s regime, and he stood in solidarity with the people of Iraq in general and the people of Kurdistan in particular. He also took the quaint few, once common on the left, that principles of equality between the sexes, free speech and human rights were universal. He also held the curious notion that young girls should be allowed to go to school without the threat of being murdered or having acid thrown in their faces. He thought these things worth fighting for and I for one find my self in agreement with him. War monger is the cheapest and nastiest of defamations, were those who fought against fascism war mongers?
As to speaking ill of the dead Christopher would not care, though he might say, could you please dispense with the pious throat clearing.  He would, I suspect like to be remembered in Red Lion Square, scene of so much historic oratory from the once great left in this country, including past giants of the Labour Party. However these decisions are now left in the hands of little men, some might say puffed up pygmies, who tread in the ashes of a once great tradition of liberty, free speech and the celebration of human values.
If by chance this monument should be erected do resign by all means, I think you will find, to your astonishment, that Camden continues to function without you.

Please note I will be placing this correspondence as an open letter  on my blog and you do, of course, have the right of reply.

[1] A phobia is defined as follows, ‘A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous’ (OED). Whatever Christopher’s objections to Islam, and indeed to all religions, they were far from irrational. As to whether the teachings of Islam are dangerous or not that surely belongs in the realm of public debate. Though I know from experience that as soon as you attempt to engage in such a debate you are accused of being an Islamaphobe; curiously circular this process don’t you  think? 

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