Two articles in the Guardian this week, the first a very long, windy and tedious piece by Glen Greenwald, you can read it here, (though you will require forbearance and a high tolerance for repetition and the non sequitur  :-

The second short sharp and to the point:-

Greenwald’s piece is part of a wider movement seeking to present hostility toward Islamism in particular and Islam in general as a) racist and b) part of an imperialist plot aimed at world domination by the west.
Sam Harris
 I do not intend here to go over Greenwald’s article, dissecting his all too oft repeated arguments, I fear to do so would induce in me a draining away of the will to live. So I am grateful for one  Charles Kingsley who sums up the piece perfectly in the comments section.

‘It makes the case fairly well that he is extremely hostile to Islam... but we are supposed to just take it on faith that 1.he is wrong, and 2. it is because of bigotry? Show me an article that addresses Harris' actual issues with Islamic doctrine and one that avoids making assumptions about the man's personal motivations - this one is irresponsible.’

Of course Greenwald like all the apologists of his ilk commences with the obligatory, and in this case dishonest,  throat clearing

Of course one can legitimately criticize Islam without being bigoted or racist. That's self-evident, and nobody is contesting it.’ 

‘Nobody is contesting it,’ really? And who incidentally gets to decide what is and what is not legitimate? Mr Greenwald’s argument of course boils down to the assertion that all religions are equally bad,- though one always detects a slight change of tone, an added touch of  cultural deference when he talks about Islam;- thus we are supposed to conclude that the Christian Right in the US poses as great a threat to our civil liberties and security as militant Islam. Though the last time bombs were set off on the London Underground in the name of Jesus escapes me.
To advance his argument Mr Greenwald and his kind need to avoid or simply deny some inconvenient truths.  Firstly to ignore the fact that the overwhelming slaughter of Muslims being carried out in the world today, from Afghanistan, to Iraq, Pakistan and Mali, is carried out by fellow Muslims. If one drone strike kills three innocent civilians you will find pages and pages of indignation. If a Muslim Sunni fanatic blows up a Shia  mosque killing hundreds a snow laden silence falls.[2] 
Secondly that we are, in reality witnessing a civil war within Islam; with many brave Muslims fighting for freedom from religious tyranny against the fanatics who hold the 'true faith.' Though liberal or secular Muslims within the Islamic world will find no support or succour from the likes of Mr Greenwald, who are more likely to condemn them as tools of western imperialism.
An aspect of this struggle for freedom is illustrated in the second piece, and for the same reasons as I have just highlighted. I was not surprised that the now pygmy sized New Statesman was critical of the protest. In reality much of the left leaning space within western society is occupied by apologists for religious bigotry and tyranny.

[1] As it happens there are some statements made by Sam Harris that I would disagree with but in his central hostility to Islamic doctrine I believe that he is correct.
[2] It is not my intention here to defend drone strikes, the extra judicial element of which is deeply concerning, However in a war zone it seems to be a preferable tactic to select pinpoint targets rather than to carpet bomb.

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