'After successfully campaigning to have old school author Jane Austen appear on the UK's ten-pound bill, Caroline Criado-Perez has been swamped with death threats and rape threats on Twitter. She reports seeing "about 50 abusive tweets an hour for about 12 hours," describing the reaction as having "stumbled into a nest of men who coordinate attacks on women." The advocate has responded by retweeting the threats, which include promises of violent action, demeaning remarks, and plans to find her.' http://gawker.com/man-arrested-over-twitter-rape-threats-to-activist-961266470 A significant portion of men are afraid of women, this fear breeds hatred, and this hatred translates into both threats of violence and acts of violence that knows few bounds. The statistics on domestic violence alone are chilling:- ‘…over two women per week are killed by current or ex-partners …one in four women in the UK will experience domestic violence in their lifetime?’ [1] ...