PUTIN ALCOHOLISM AND DISSENT IN MODERN RUSSIA As the crisis in Ukraine has enfolded, fuelled as it has been by Putin’s ongoing campaign to destabilise the country, it has obscured another development taking place in the region, and that is the acceleration of the crackdown on opposition to president Putin in Russia itself. Ever since his re-election in 2012, and in particular the widespread protests against the electoral fraud that characterised that election, Putin has been steadily eliminating all possible sources of opposition. [1] The remaining few vehicles for dissent are being closed down or taken over, the law now so restrictive as to make any challenge to Putin’s authority impossible. Still there is another Russia. 1. There was always another Russia. As Nicholas 1 st sought to crush all internal opposition and strangle the nascent intelligentsia, as nihilist fanatics laid down the foundations of red terror and as Stalin exterminated two generations of the brighte...