UKIP, Lee Rigby and Free Speech. ‘Lord Pearson of Rannoch, who led UKIP during the last general election, is to be reported to the speaker of the upper house, Lady D’Souza, after he suggested that the Qur’an had inspired Rigby’s killers.’ [1] The UKIP peer had said this in a speech:- “My lords, are the government aware that Fusilier Rigby’s murderers quoted 22 verses of the Qur’an to justify their atrocity? Therefore, is the prime minister accurate or helpful when he describes it as a betrayal of Islam? Since the vast majority of Muslims are our peace-loving friends, should we not encourage them to address the violence in the Qur’an – and indeed in the life and the example of Muhammad?” [2] Labour MP Khalid Mahmood stated, “Obviously he hasn’t read the Qur’an. Islam is about submission to the Almighty. It is not about war against anybody else.” He added: “I find it absolutely offensive that this guy is still able to say this.” [3] Mr Mahmood is obviously a stran...