Just Some of The Apologies That Never Came…

From Iain Duncan Smith for consistently misleading the public about the progress of Universal Credit and regularly feeding the press inaccurate information about welfare recipients, (See ONS).

George Osborne for failing to meet any of his economic targets.

Boris Johnson for breaking his promise not to stand for Parliament whilst still Mayor of London.

All those who marched with placards saying ‘Don’t bomb Iraq’ [sic].[1] Who, if their advice had been followed, would have witnessed the fall of Kobane and the continuing genocide of Yazidis and Christians.

Sepp Blatter’s mea culpa, along with his resignation, for finally destroying what very little credibility FIFA had left.

The Rot on The Left Exposed

For me a two moments of stomach churning realisation of just how rotten the far left had become. In October, after considerable pressure on Turkey had failed to yield results, the US decided, in the face of Turkish objections, to drop light weapons and basic supplies to the beleaguered defenders of Kobane. This gesture was greeted by the following cartoon in the Guardian. 

I was so enraged by this cartoon that I made the following remarks in the comments section below the picture:-

 This cartoon is so puerile I can barely drag myself to comment the bleeding obvious. 1) Seeking to arm and re-supply the Kurdish YPG for the right to live their lives in peace and yes to construct a basic democratic society in the canton of which Kobane against hordes of psychopathic fascists is A GOOD THING. 2) As anyone knows with half a brain accurate airdrops are notoriously difficult, 90% got to the men and women of the YPG. I for one rejoice in that. To seek to portray the struggle against Islamic fascism in this adolescent way displays above all a lack of moral compass. In more plain language its bollocks.

Someone called Marilyn responded with the simple comment. ‘Oh dear, the psychopathic fascists are the US.’
So it is the US, supporting the fight against religious fanatics who behead their prisoners, rape and enslave women and force 8th century laws on captive populations, who are the real fascists.

Again in October the National Union of Students blocked a motion seeking support for the Kurds arguing that it was “Islamaphobic” and “pro USA intervention.” At this point, as The Hitch used to say, further comment is redundant, people condemn themselves out of their own mouths.

The year also saw further signs of both the far left and far right cosying up to Vladimir Putin, with both Nigel Farage and John Pilger providing apologias for the dreadful ex KGB man.

The rise of UKIP has of course been one of the political phenomena of the year in the UK, along with the adolescent populism of Russell Brand.

 Though as we move from 2014 to 2015 Putin is in a deep hole, whilst some polls seem now to indicate that UKIP may have peaked. With a general election next year we will soon find out.

2015 looks to be a fascinating year, perhaps even a pivotal one. I for one look forward to the liberation of Kobane and the destruction of Daesh in Iraq and Syria. Whilst here in the UK, and admittedly much further down the scale of importance, I hope for the destruction of the Con-Dem Coalition.

Whatever happens in 2015 we look to be living in what the Chinese call ‘interesting times.’

So to all who read this I wish you a Happy New Year, or at least a safe one.

AT December 31st 2014. 

[1] The request for military assistance, particularly air support, against ISIS came from the legitimately elected government of Iraq. I thought the StW crowd were all for legality. 

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