‘Some party hack decreed that the people
had lost the government's confidence
and could only regain it with redoubled effort.
If that is the case, would it not be simpler,
If the government simply dissolved the people
And elected another?’
had lost the government's confidence
and could only regain it with redoubled effort.
If that is the case, would it not be simpler,
If the government simply dissolved the people
And elected another?’
Berthold Brecht
Man is a social
animal and consequently the human condition, for anyone who does not fall into
the category of sociopath or psychopath, involves a life of negotiation, making
compromises that are sometimes, and sometimes often, uncomfortable. This can be
frustrating, on occasions even humiliating. Of course there are some things you
should not compromise, basic principles you must establish for yourself. Still
you rarely get all that you want.
In politics
negotiation and compromise are the very heart of the matter and when people get
tired of compromise the door is opened for fanaticism. Thus after having lost
an election, one it desperately needed to win, great numbers of Labour supporters[1]
have lost confidence in the electorate, they feel badly let down. Now in a fit
of pique have decided that the problem was too much compromise, a lack of true
blooded socialist fundamentalism was what was missing. The thinking being, “If
the electorate was too stupid to recognise what was good for them, well that
was too bad, we are going to stick to our socialist principles.” Listening to
Corbyn these people feel liberated, years of Blairite compromise, revisionism, temporising
and the limitations imposed by the discipline of seeking to appeal to a wide
electorate are lifted and the air filled with idealism, sincerity, certainty.
With such certainty however comes contempt, contempt for anyone who does not share their
passion for the bearded prophet.
Now I have already
expressed my opinion about Corbyn’s unsuitability to lead the Labour Party,
these concerns are exclusively related to foreign policy and the company he keeps.[2] I now believe that the cultist zeal that
attends Corbyn is as great a threat to the Labour party as the entryism of the
early 1980’s, supported by Corbyn’s great friend Tony Benn. When people start to hail fundamentalist messiah’s I start to get nervous.
The nature of any
cult is unswerving loyalty to the cause, the ability to call white black or
defend the indefensible. As the constant whataboutary, denial, and deceit that
has attended Corbyn’s association with anti-Semites and organisations like Hamas attest. These associations, along with his apologia
for Putin, should have red lights flashing in the head of any progressive. The
fact that so many on the left happily brush these matters aside unfortunately
speaks volumes about the state of progressive politics in this country today.
However Howard Jacobson
expresses it most succinctly 'why can’t we oppose the inequities of a society weighted in favour of wealth, and all the trash that wealth accumulates, without at the same time having to snuggle up to Putin, pal out with Hamas, and make apologies for extremists?'
There is another group, Socialist Workers Party and those Like Lindsay German
and the Stop The War Crowd who want to see social democracy destroyed. They are
not the primary concern of this piece, I have dealt with their malignancy