Laughter In The Dark It has been alleged that, as part of a student initiation ceremony, the British Prime Minister placed his penis into the mouth of a dead pig. We are consequently now all engulfed in Pig-Gate,- and surely we have now reached the stage when for a whole generation there must be puzzlement as to why the suffix ‘gate’ has to be attached to every political scandal. In a short story I once wrote something to the effect that bananas are inherently funny. The same, for obscure reason, is also true of pigs. Twitter was made for just such a moment and now you cannot move for pig puns, admittedly having provided more than my fair share of them myself. The head grows dizzy with a constant play on words, hog, pig, pork and porky; and so we descend collectively to the playground world of eleven year old's sharing smutty jokes. All great fun at the expense of a privileged group, born to rule and to ignore the rules which are never intended to be observed by the ...