Autumn begins to retreat and winter advances as London becomes colder, the light more anaemic and the trees drop their foliage to stand naked and forlorn. I have taken to clinging to my duvet in the morning. Why do we feel so safe in bed when in truth we are at our most vulnerable? A duvet and pillow little protection against earthquake, fire, flood or masked intruder. Still it is the pleasantest of illusions, snuggled up in warmth and comfort we feel ourselves holding the world at bay. Last week walking along the South Bank, the Thames the colour of dirty cement, the sky slate grey, and as I looked across at St Paul's London seemed to have lost some of its glamour. Perhaps it was my mood, the day, or simply the past viewed with rose coloured spectacles. Still the London skyline has certainly changed immensely since when I arrived in the city in the early 1980’s, and not always for the better. Whole sections of the City now look like those brochures you see for Abu Dhabi or ...