Britain is not Twitter,” I don’t know if it was David Cameron’s best line, but it certainly hit home, in just four words highlighting the flawed world-view of the delusional left. Cameron’s whole speech was a master-class in how to appeal beyond your core vote, he was less interested in how the speech went down in the hall than how it played with Labour and Lib Dem voters. Nothing could have contrasted more starkly with Corbyn’s speech to the Labour Delegates on the coast in Brighton. That Cameron’s speech was often profoundly dishonest will be missed, what people will remember is the tone and those oh so telling jabs at Corbyn and the current state of the Labour Party.

The response of the Corbynites to Cameron’s misrepresentation of Corbyn’s remarks about Bin Laden was truly hilarious. The added irony is that Cameron could have quoted Corbyn verbatim and, pointing out precisely where Corbyn made them, made his point even more strongly. Cameron was presented with an open goal and the Corbynites complained when he put the ball in the back of the net.

The demand that the Tories fight fair comes ill from the saliva spitting and ‘Tory Scum’ shouting brigade, or those who laugh out aloud at spliced speeches of Cameron and Co, but go purple with indignation when Tories point openly at Corbyn’s political positions on defence and at some of his erstwhile companions.
They've never had it so good. 

The delusional left believe they have a monopoly on virtue and ever since the election of Jeremy Corbyn have been stung by the fact that the wider world cannot see what a truly marvellous man  their guru, standard bearer and political leader truly is; it must be a conspiracy. The public being the victim of a malign media and conniving establishment. When Corbyn’s arguments and disingenuous defence of his past remarks are exposed to critical evaluation they stuff their fingers in their ears and take to Twitter shouting into the echo chamber “can’t hear you.”

David Cameron is a ruthless political operator perfectly willing to tell lies, misrepresent and distort facts. Nor do I believe he intends moving his party away from the ground it now occupies on the right. And a government that does a deal as disgustingly squalid as this one, - supporting  Saudi Arabia on the UN Human Right Committee, -is of course in no position to moralise, particularly, for example, when compared to the stance taken by Sweden’s foreign minister. But what is the left to say? That Corbyn may appear on the propaganda channel of Iran, - not to challenge the imprisonment and torture of trade unionists in that country but to provide ammunition for its anti-western narrative, - but at least he condemns Saudi Arabia? Not exactly the high moral ground and a positive disgrace from someone presenting themselves as the heir to Clement Atlee.

None of this of course matters to the Corbyn Twitterati, nor to the thousands who flock to his political meetings sometimes forced to stand outside as the venue cannot cope with the numbers. These are the choir, the converted and committed. They huddle together for warmth and to reassure themselves that it is they who possess the real spirit of the country. They are deluding themselves and it is a dangerous delusion, a delusion that feeds on itself, possessing a strong immune system to protect itself from the virus of a crueller harsher reality. A delusion that, so long as it persists, serves only to guarantee the ascendency of the right, leaving the victims of Tory policies, the young, the marginalised, the disabled and the poor at the mercy of the right wing ideologues of the Tory party. These are people who do not have time to await the outcome of the great Corbyn experiment. 

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