Like all tragedy, the current state of English* politics contains more than its fair share of the comic and grotesque, the imbecility of the Brexit negotiating team,
and the doublethink of Corbyn supporters over his hard Brexit standpoint, providing just two examples of both. Now, just as you thought things could not possibly get worse we have the possibility of the Prime Minister, a member of the party of Churchill, Macmillan and yes Edward Heath, being Boris Johnson, David Davis or the cringe inducing Jacob Rees-Mogg! Like a circus act enter the clowns, a liar, crook - the greatest political Chancer since Horatio Bottomley, - an imbecile and a caricature upper-class idiot. In a close contest, it is difficult to see which would make the country a laughing stock than it already is.
Of the three Rees-Mogg has emerged largely without a trace, coming into the limelight following the Brexit referendum. He has sought, with some success to establish himself as the backbench exponent of hard Brexit.
Cuthbert Cringeworthy 
He very much plays up to the old Etonian rich boy stereotype, affecting a manner which is a combination of Lord Snooty, Cuthbert Cringeworthy, - from The Bash Street Kids, - and character from the pen of P G Wodehouse, the sort of affable chap you might meet at the Drones Club. But this is an act, smoke, mirrors, and quotations in Latin. For Mr Mogg is anything but affable and certainly no Bertie Wooster. Indeed, if the man resembles any character out of Wodehouse it is that of Rodrick Spode, fascist ‘Führer’ of the Blackshorts. Moreover, he is no joke and very much resembles the sort hard right wing upper-class fellow traveller with fascist sympathisers who frequented the German League, The Right Club, and, albeit discreetly, supported Oswald Mosley.
Mr Mogg opposes, gay marriage, abortion, workplace employment rights, The European Court of Human Rights, Health and Safety regulations and is in favour of the hardest of all severances from the EU. Mr Mogg is no cartoon joke figure, he is a nasty piece of work who is hostile to the interests of the working class.
Jacob Rees-Mogg

When I started writing this on Sunday little attention seemed to be being paid to Mr Mogg, however, since then both Mathew Parris and Polly Toynbee have weighed in with serious articles. People are waking up to the reality as opposed to the mask of Mr Mogg, which can only but be healthy for our democracy.  

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