The weather is now more seasonal; though still mild, light sweater weather. I walk to Portobello and find that my old candle shop has closed. I call it my candle shop but it sold a mass of other items, bric-a-brac, masses of rugs and cushions, multi coloured wraps and incense, which gave the shop a wonderful aroma, rather like I imagine Aladdin’s cave to have smelt. And it sold candles, candles in a multitude of colours, shapes and sizes, along with a similarly exotic display of candle holders. I always purchased my candles from here and now it has gone. I don’t think I can stand any more loss at this rate. These stores are invariably owned by the Indian or Pakistani community, whose contribution to this city in particular and the country in general is inestimable. The mass immigration from the 1950’s onwards, despite some of the problems it created has undoubtedly resulted in a richer and much more vibrant culture and I for one continue to rejoice in this reality.

The political conference season is over now in England. Is this autumnal event unique to the UK? Listening to the speeches made by senior politicians at these party gatherings one is struck by the language, the political equivalent of baby talk. Listening to this drivel one knows just how much respect these politicians have for the electorate. I was therefore particularly pleased when Ken Clarke the Justice Secretary slapped down a particularly silly speech by the Home Secretary* who was attacking the Human Rights Act. He described her remarks correctly as providing “laughable and childlike” examples to undermine human rights laws.
I like Ken Clarke, despite the fact that he is a Conservative, he is a man who has more understanding of the importance of civil liberties in his little finger than the previous two Labour Home Secretaries combined.

Meanwhile in Syria the Assad regime continues to indiscrimantly murder its own people as the world looks on with indifference. Of course Assad knows he has the backing of China, Russia and Iran. This unholy trinity providing a shield under which he can continue to murder and torture. Where are the SWP/Stop The War protesters outside the Chinese embassy? Far too busy chasing Tony Blair, the real ‘war criminal!’

I am currently writing a novel and trying to conjure up the flavour of the year 1974. The 1970’s is always presented as a dull and colourless age ironically rendered ridiculous by glam rock, platform soles and multi coloured tank tops. For me living through that tumultous decade, both personally and politically experience tells a different story and re-awakening the demons and angels from that period has created powerful reverbarations in my psyche.

All this with, what feels like a colossal black cloud hanging over my head in the shape of major works due to take place in the flat/apartment.** The surveyors have already been around and I await a start date for the work with ever increasing gloom, at times blocking out all other interests and concerns, world events disapearing altogether, which perhaps demonstrates the fundemental shallowness of the human condition?

*Isn’t it odd that the more Britain’s role in the world shrink the greater the plethora of ministerial offices?

** I am aware that I have consistently used the English word flat for my apartment a term which I know is not universally understood

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