A gathering of the comrades

We peek into a meeting between Muslims Against Crusades and Aids, Respectu and the Socialist Workers Alliance, this is being held at The Centre for the Propagation of Jihad, otherwise known as Mustafa’s flat. The meeting is to agree a joint strategy prior to the forthcoming Block the War Coalition rally.

Those Present:-

Mustafa Stoning. Muslims against Crusades and Aids. (Mustafa is a new convert to Islam).
Anita B Correct. Respectu, (Anita B to her friends).
Les Ruck .Socialist Workers Alliance.

Mustafa is holding forth. “There must be no platform for blasphemers and apostates.”

“Yes”…..Anita hesitates, and then regains her confidence, “certainly no platform for Christian bigots, misogynists and homophobes.” She stops in her tracks, and then nervously turns to Mustafa, “though unlike the cultural imperialists and Christian bigots we understand the cultural sensitivities of the Muslim communities.”

Mustafa remains stone faced; Les sensing the unease in the air interjects. “No platform for Tories or their Lib Dem lackeys!”

“Yes,” Anita picks up the theme, “and no platform for right wing Labour toadies and the Blairite imperialist war mongers.”

“No platform for Zionist provocateurs of the so called Free Iran movement,” Mustafa cuts in.

“Well, it goes without saying,” Les breaks back in, he is reluctant to concede the floor, though it seems he has not fully grasped the point, “no platform for Zionists and of course, it goes again without saying, the BNP, English Defence League. Now is there anyone else we should deny a platform?”

“No platform for uncovered women,” Mustafa states coldly, re-introducing the unease back into the atmosphere. Anita indeed flushes red and looks as if she were sitting on hot coals.

“Mustafa,” it is Les again who ‘has the floor,’ “we cannot sell this to our sisters in the movement,” though he feels the need to be conciliatory, “perhaps we in deference to the sensitivities of our Muslim Comrades we could politely ask the sisters to cover themselves at the rally.” He turns to look at Anita, who looks somewhat mollified. “Now what are our key demands?”

“The trial of Tony Blair,” Mustafa declares.

“Yes,” Les looks animated, “the trial of Tony Blair can be one of our key demands,” he looks across at Anita who is nodding enthusiastically.

“The trial of Tony Blair by a Muslim sharia court,” Mustafa continues.

“Well,” Les is reluctant to be put of his stride, “we can argue about the nature of the court later.”

“Trial by Sharia court followed by public execution,” Mustafa is not to be derailed.

Les needs time to think, Anita again feels disturbed, though is not quite sure what is bothering her. “Well,” says Les "we shot the Romanoff’s and hung the Nazi war criminals, and let’s face it Blair is just as big a war criminal as the Nazi’s.” He looks at Anita with that particular savage intensity that indicates he is now determined to have his way and as always on such occasions Anita nods her assent. “As to it being public, well why not, we beheaded Charles 1st in public, so the precedent is good. So we are all agreed then our first key demand is the public execution of Tony Blair?” He hesitates for a second, and then remembers to add, “Following a trial of course.”

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