With apologies to any readers overseas, for whom this post must seem somewhat arcane I post the full correspondence, to date with Chris Grayling minister at The Department of Work and Pensions, (DWP). I promised Mr Grayling right of reply and hereby produce his response to my open letter and my response to his response. From: Alex Talbot [] Sent: 21 February 2012 04:24 To: GRAYLING, Chris Subject: WORKFARE Dear Chris Grayling, It used to be the greatest of all slurs to accuse a ‘gentleman’ of lying; indeed there was a time when men fought duels protesting the accusation, some dying in the process. Those times have gone, now recourse is more readily made to the courts in the form of libel actions, to be accused of lying in public still therefore carries some ignominy. So with this in mind I accuse of you of being a liar. I quote you in full:- “We won’t and don’t force anyone to take a work experience p...