American Republican Congressman Todd Aiken:  "It seems to me, from what I understand from doctors,[pregnancy resulting from rape] that's really rare," Akin replied. "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let's assume that maybe that didn't work or something: [1]I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child."

British ‘Respect’ MP George Galloway: “Let me tell you, I think that Julian Assange's personal sexual behaviour is something sordid, disgusting, and I condemn it. But even taken at its worst, the allegations made against him by the two women – and I'm not even going into their political connections, I'm going to leave that for others and for another day. I'm going to leave the fact that one, maybe both, of his accusers have the strangest of links to the strangest of people, organisations and states, I'm going to leave that entirely aside.

Even taken at its worst, if the allegations made by these two women were true, 100 per cent true, and even if a camera in the room captured them, they don't constitute rape. At least not rape as anyone with any sense can possibly recognise it. And somebody has to say this.”

So you see it’s all the women's fault. Respecting Mr Galloway I'm not even going into his political convictions, or even going to mention his lauding of various Middle Eastern thugs like Assad. I am not going into his political connections in that region, I am going to leave that one for another day. I am going to leave the fact that Mr Galloway has the strangest links to the strangest people, organisations and states. I am going to leave that entirely aside.

What I will say is that if the accusations are true, 100% correct,- and I do not accept Mr Galloway’ s legal authority in this matter. Ignoring the fact that it would seem that he has already tried the case to his own satisfaction, then it would seem that the facts are as follows. Mr Assange is capable of seducing women, (how some women are attracted to certain men is a mystery that I suspect I will take with me to the grave), but that consent is not enough for him, he likes to spice things up with a little non-consensual sex. Or as we laymen call it, rape,- not as Mr Galloway chooses to characterises it ‘bad sexual etiquette”. (Though it is worth pointing out that Mr Galloway is not a trustworthy source in the matter of what constitutes good manners).

 What Congressman Aiken[2] and George Galloway have in common is a basic contempt for women. All of Galloway’s throat clearing, ‘Julian Assange's personal sexual behaviour is something sordid, disgusting, and I condemn it,’ - which will go down well with his new Muslim friends, as of course will the misogyny cannot conceal this fact. It  seems though that these comments appear not to have gone down so well with some of the feminist fellow travellers with the so called ‘Stop the War’ movement.

[1] My emphasis
[2] Whose comments really require no further comment, he condemns himself out of his own mouth.

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