Forgive them Lord
they know not what they do!
I must admit that I have a strong, possibly unhealthy reaction to Nick Clegg. It has existed in me from the first time he registered on my radar and never abated, even during the period of so called Clegg mania. For a very brief period prior to the last election, sickened by Labour’s record on civil liberties, I toyed with the idea of voting Lib Dem; one look at Nick Clegg convinced me that this would be a terrible mistake. Those mournful eyes, that strangely depleted look, the innocent abroad in this wicked world demeanour, the sickly scent of martyrdom, all were present even then.
There was a time in the 1980’s when Transactional Analysis, TA, was all the rage, even seen as something of a panacea. I myself went on to use elements of TA in my own work in addiction and mental health. One of the interesting aspects of TA was the concept of life-scripts, roles that get hard wired into the psyche during childhood to be acted out ever after during the unexamined life. One such role was the martyr, the mournful figure treading through life like Marley carrying a sign around his/her neck bearing the legend ‘please don’t kick me;’ which of course produces an overwhelming desire to deliver a solid boot to the posterior. I look at Nick Clegg standing beside Cameron, pleading the case for the coalition, despite the awful hammering it has given him in the polls and see the sign swinging loosely around his neck.
In the wake of the collapse of the Lords reform legislation[1] he now possesses more power over the Tory right[2] than at anytime since the formation of the coalition, he will not use it, for to do so would rob him of the rewards of his Jesus Christ complex. A man of true principles, who when he must disregard them, as he did with student fees, he does so only the better for all our sakes; in truth he is too good for us. His fate the fate of all saintly souls, he will be rejected by the people.
All of this produces in me an overwhelmingly desire to pour a bucket of shit* over the mournful Mr Clegg. The sooner he departs his own chosen Calgary the better for all of us.

*Purely methaphorically of course!

[1] A collapse Clegg blames on everybody but himself, everyone else is mercenary, cold and calculating, propelled by base motives, only he is motivated by virtue. At the core of his defeat was a rotten bill that sought to replace one un-accountable legislative chamber by another equally un-accountable one.
[2] The comedy of this delusional bunch having failed to win the last election in the most favourable of circumstances they imagine themselves someone cheated of their ‘victory’ by the Lib Dems who propped them up.
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