The following was posted on my Facebook page. POPPY BURNERS IN COURT 23RD FEB LIKE THIS PAGE TO LOCK THEM UP. Below this headline is a picture of what I presume to be one of the defendants. [1] It boasts over 92,000 Likes and I see no reason to question the figure. This is an extremely depressing statement of our lack of passion for freedom of expression, though sadly it does not surprise me. We have been living in a country culturally hostile to dissent for some time. A major player in this respect has been the popular press; particularly the Daily Mail and the Murdoch owned Sun newspaper, which have done so much to create a vigilante climate against unpopular opinion. I visited the Facebook page from which the post had come. Amongst the myriad of often semi literate outpourings of rage was the following, ‘….NOOO whats [sic] funny is your dissin [sic] our hero's thats [sic] give there lives over 100 years of hero's that gave there lives for the freedom of...