Would you buy a used car from this man? There was a moment last week when George Osborne revealed the true scale of his cynicism, which I now think I have the right to call bottomless, his dishonesty and political corruption. In a move dripping with class war spite and malignant zeal he announced that in future the newly unemployed must now wait seven days before making any claim for unemployment benefit. Since if you have been working you have been regularly paying into the exchequer and paying your National Insurance contributions, this represents a further development of an unreported phenomenon, the nothing for something culture. That this is not only vicious and dishonest, a dog whistle for the Tory right and UKIP voters, it is also stupid and self defeating, since it will acerbate further employment insecurity, a climate in which it is not safe to take short term employment. That it is stupid I suspect the expensively educated Osborne knows, the amount of money it saves ...