Charles criticised for 'planting moles' in government departments
MPs are to raise the
matter in the Commons after the heir to the throne was described as a
'constitutional crisis in waiting' Guardian 18/08/13

Charles awakes, just after
feeling no particular thrill
to be alive.
Another day spent waiting
in the wings
An ‘almost king’ a sad and
empty thing.
Surveying the crumpled
bedding now he sighs,
Feeling the need to move
to wash and dress
He calls his valet to come
in with the press.
The papers make grim
On every page a mess
Cock-ups and blunders it
drives him to despair
Oh to be like ‘mum’ and no
longer really care.
He dwells upon a thought,
One day to really rule
Oh how sublime how truly
To destroy the clanking cock-up
Camilla rises picks up a copy of The Sun
“I see they’re being rude
again my dear.”
She wants to make a joke,
but it’s no laughing matter
She knows this plebeian
prattle makes him fear.
“They've no longer have
respect these gutter types,
there was a time”….his
story ends
he's thinking of the power of Saudi friends.
“Buck up, my love a
Republic’s just the dream
of lefty clowns
the people love the Queen!”
She winces at her error,
turns toward him,
His face a sudden
floundering anguished fears,
His time will never come
his life reduced
To endless disrespectful chatter,
the constant sneers.
“Think of it clever
Charlie, the moves you've blocked,
the back door always open wide
Charles collects his
Yes, they think I'm wacky
But there’s much more from
ear to ear
I've plans to lead this
Perhaps this time next