Just Some of The Apologies That Never Came… From Iain Duncan Smith for consistently misleading the public about the progress of Universal Credit and regularly feeding the press inaccurate information about welfare recipients, ( See ONS ). George Osborne for failing to meet any of his economic targets. Boris Johnson for breaking his promise not to stand for Parliament whilst still Mayor of London. All those who marched with placards saying ‘Don’t bomb Iraq’ [sic]. [1] Who, if their advice had been followed, would have witnessed the fall of Kobane and the continuing genocide of Yazidis and Christians. Sepp Blatter’s mea culpa, along with his resignation, for finally destroying what very little credibility FIFA had left. The Rot on The Left Exposed For me a two moments of stomach churning realisation of just how rotten the far left had become. In October, after considerable pressure on Turkey had failed to yield results, the US decided, in the face of Turkish ...