On The Limits of Tolerance: Islam, Islamism and the Pusillanimity of Liberal Left I owe a great deal to ‘Why I am not a Muslim,’ by Ibn Warraq in the writing of this essay. It is a courageous erudite and lucid book and I recommend to anyone interested in the issues raised here. I. The stupidest speech I have heard in recent years, and the bar is not high, came from a Liberal Democrat activist speaking at one of their spring conferences. The gist of her speech was a disdain for the concept of tolerance. ‘I don’t want” she opined from the rostrum, “to live in a society that merely tolerates difference I want to live in a society that openly embraces diversity. Tolerance simply isn’t good enough!” This is the sound of the ideology of multiculturalism finally gone mad. A hysterical cry of a hitherto unknown phenomenon, fanaticism masquerading as liberalism. Leaving aside for a moment how this brave new world would police any perceived failure to embrace diversity, let us pause...