Better by far the worst
elected President than the best hereditary monarch, for they would have been
the choice of grown up people, not subjects, not children.
As I was walking out today
a drunken man stood in my way.
An accusation loud and clear
He shouted for the street to hear.
‘Why do you not bend the knee,
to our great and glorious majesty?
Have you no time to pen a rhyme
or send Our Queen a valentine?
To sing a song or dance a dance,
to raise a toast,
To give God thanks?
For all of this today is free,
to celebrate the jubilee?
For five more minutes,
Though it seemed longer
he blocked my way,
he was the stronger.
His drunken voice continued to berate
that I had failed to celebrate.
But then I said what’s here to cheer?
I see no bounty offered here.
Balloons and bunting lots of flags,
and pictures from the royal ‘mags’;
orange juice and flavoured crisps
Its party time I’ll give you this.
But what is real beneath this cluster
This rule Britannia pomp and bluster?
Empty pockets and an empty day
And jobs that just no longer pay.
The rich get richer this is true
They pay no mind to me or you.
That she’s aged well is very true,
But what exactly does she do?
She waves her hand
I’ll give her that,
Though see no cause to doff my hat.
She keeps her counsel, also true,
Where it that Charlie did so too.
Her smile is fine
Her look is wise
Receives a curtsy
Presents a prize.
She hears a secret, does not tell
She does all this and does it well.
She pleases crowds adorns our stamps,
And for all of this let’s give her thanks.
But for doing this I have to say
Do we not give her too much pay?

You say that the whole world wants the same
In truth I have to say doubt it
They long gave up this royal game.
So as she descends the marble stairs
Do they wish this situation theirs?
This pomp and carriage circus play
Is very fine from far away,
But as they watch across the globe is envy now
their default mode?
No, they leave that childish stuff to us,
Leave them in peace,
I hear them say,
to celebrate their yesterday.
Better by far than all that deference
To live grown up, it is their preference.
To hang around to hear drunks brag,
if you so chose please celebrate,
But leave me out
For at your party, it is clear
A Republican’s no business here.