Four men have been found guilty of plotting to kill staff at a Danish newspaper in revenge for its publication in 2005 of cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad.Three Swedish citizens and a Tunisian were convicted of terrorism over the plot against Jyllands-Posten. One pleaded guilty to illegal possession of weapons, and two were acquitted of the same charge for technical reasons, court officials said.[1]

I believe in gravity, that the world is round and that the earth is approximately 4.55 billion years old. These for me represent something profound called ‘the truth,’ and I believe that I could defend, with the assistance of properly tested scientific evidence, all three propositions in open debate. 

Those who adhere to the two great monotheisms also hold fast to a set of beliefs, beliefs that they affirm to hold as firmly as my own belief in gravity, amongst these beliefs is the existence of Hell.
Now I am an atheist, an unbeliever, a Kuffir and from the point of view of your average Muslim or Christian I am destined to burn and to be tortured in the most sadistic fashion for the whole of eternity. The point cannot be made too strongly; they listen to me and they know my fate. As I say they claim to hold this belief as solidly as my own in the shape of the earth. So what is their reaction to my truly terrible fate? Well for the most part cool indifference, some of the more passionate, not to say fanatical, among the evangelical wing of Christianity might feel moved to try and ‘save me.' However for the most part your average Catholic or C of E Christian is not that bothered. If they truly believe in Hell, the fact at best merely embarrasses them, they are content to leave me alone.
Not so for those on the fundamentalist wings of Christianity or Islam, here positive pleasure can be found at the possibility of ‘unbelievers’ being tortured for the rest of eternity - a degree of sadistic pleasure surpassing even the Nazi’s, who at least believed that they offered their victims the ultimate release of death.
One needs however to turn to the fundamentalist fanatics of Islam to truly plumb the depths of sadism, brutality and violence. Not content with entertaining sadistic daydreams of perpetual torture, they are impatient with Allah and want to speed up the process. They have no time to wait until Allah gets his act together, they set out with swords, guns and high explosives to murder the already condemned, preferably in the cruelest manner possible. Eternity is not nearly long enough it has to start now!
I say all this taking our fundamentalist sadist at his word. However could it be possible that lingering somewhere in the fundamentalist psyche there is, dare I say it, some doubt, some fear that talk of eternal torture is just piffle? Even a belief, and I am not sure that I should let these words escape my lips, that God is not that great? In that case of course exacting revenge in the here and now for real or imagined slights makes much more sense.

[1] Guardian 04/06/12

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