The Labour Party’s
attachment to civil liberties and free speech has historically been tenuous,
often taking second place to short term electoral advantage or sheer political
opportunism; concerns about free speech and civil liberties being in the words
of David Blunkett solely the preserve of the ‘liberati,’[1]
Guardian reading bleeding hearts. This contempt has always represented a strain
of Labour party thinking, suspicious of free speech as something of a
capitalist weapon to hypnotize the masses; the commissar always lurking in the

Harriet Harman appeared on
yesterday mornings Andrew Marr show to discuss Leveson. She was not asked about
libel reform, though here was a woman steely eyed, with the press in her
sights. Whilst mouthing all the platitudes about a free press, holding in her
back pocket proposals such as prior notification and exemplary damages, that, would
work to effectively handcuff investigative journalism.[5]
[1] It is instructive to note
that the only measure that Tony Blair regretted enacting was freedom of
information legislation, the one measure that did more to empower citizens and
held public figures to account than anything else.
[2] Of course their has always
been another strain exemplified, for example by Michael Foot.
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