If LBC the London based radio station is to be believed, and it is indeed very insistent, the most important news item last week was the debate on its own radio station between the leader of the right wing United Kingdom Independence Party [UKIP], Nigel Farage and the leader of the Liberal Democrats [Lib Dems] Nick Clegg. The item led its own news bulletins and phone in programmes, one of the most preposterous items being the claim that the debate was the talk of Berlin! I very much doubt that it was even the talk of Balham! Nigel Farage However leaving aside the exaggerated claims for the debate it was useful from one perspective since it subjected Mr Farage, a man with some pretty extreme opinions, to the rigours of open debate. It was a shame that the debate was restricted to the topic of Britain’s membership of the EU, since this was Mr Farage’s home ground, his strong suite if you will, albeit in his inimitable little Englander fashion. Since UKIP now claims that it is ...