So surprise surprise,
Vladimir Putin has not opted for the softly softly diplomatic approach to the Ukraine
uprising. As I write this the story is fast developing, with the Crimean
peninsular centre stage. This development was predictable for anyone with the
slightest knowledge of the history of the region. What has gone largely
unreported in the west is the fact that Khrushchev 'gave' this predominantly Russian
region to the Ukraine
in 1954. It could never occur to anyone back in those days that the USSR would collapse, and that Ukraine would
no longer be a part of it. This transfer was made ‘illegally’ under the then
Soviet constitution and a very great many Russians, particularly those living
in the peninsular, have never been reconciled to this state of affairs. I think
it a pretty safe bet that Putin is one of them.
In 1939 Danzig was
unmistakably a German city whose population had voted overwhelmingly in favour
of unification with Germany .
German claims to Danzig were legitimate; its separation from the rest of Germany was one of the least defensible articles
of the treaty of Versailles .
The problem lay with the person and regime making the claim. Had the claim been
made by a Social Democratic German state some sort of deal, probably in the
face of Polish resistance, could have been made.

Over the Crimea Putin has
a good case, the Russian population would probably vote overwhelmingly for
reunification. Should he choose to patiently negotiate with the Ukraine , EU and the US
he could certainly negotiate a package giving increased autonomy to the region,
a package that protected Russian strategic interests, especially the presence
of the Black Sea fleet at Sevastopol .
Putin however does not do subtle,
nor does he do patience, he is too stupid. So we now see goons in full combat
gear without identification markings seizing key strategic points,* being
reinforced by large transport aircraft disgorging troops into the isthmus.
This is Georgia all
over again. Putin sees negotiating over events ‘in his own backyard’ as
humiliating, he will not do it. It is likely that the non Russian population of
Crimea will be paying the price for Putin’s
*Putin’s Russian media
would have you believe that these are merely concerned Russian speakers on the isthmus.
Fortunately they seem to have all the training and equipment of special forces;
handy that!