By comparison, chimpanzees at birth are neurologically and cognitively ahead of human babies of the same age, but the chimps begin to fall behind by about six months old because of the more rapid continued development of the human brain following birth. With the exception of these differences, we are quite similar to the African apes anatomically and genetically, especially to the chimpanzees and bonobos.  Humans have 46 chromosomes in their cells while all of the great apes have 48.  In reality, this difference is not as great as it would initially seem because the human chromosome 2 is a fusion of ape chromosomes 12 and 13 with most of the same genes.’

Last week I paid a short visit to the very dark side of the Twitter-sphere, to the tweets of the Islamists, the would be Jihadist warriors and big time haters, haters of all that we think of when we think of a free and democratic society. Above all they hate secularism and the freedom to reject religion. Those tweeting run on a spectrum from the bedsit fantasists, the genuine Islamist fanatic, some of whom will make it to Iraq or Syria, and the real sociopaths and psychopaths gripped by bloodlust and the desire for destruction. There are of course elements of the latter in all three groups.
The tweets were mostly banal and puerile, little more than name calling and the hurling of abuse, the language though was often graphic and gloried in the suffering being inflicted by IS.

poor females when their heads will be cut off, lolzzzz’

Tanveer turns out to be a man, which confused me since glancing at the picture I assumed I was talking to a woman, though the picture itself was ambiguous. His profile is as follows,-

 ‘engineering student as well as a cricketer, interest in girls ,wanna know about video editing ,aim for getting commission in pak army’

The profile seems out of character with the tweets and the tone of the tweets. Even making allowances for poor English the language felt infantile, playground banter rather than shaped thoughts. [I have corrected a few errors]

‘We Muslims are doing whatever our lord commands , care yourself  coconut.’

 ‘To support His followers is my Lord's command ,u btr care ur religion n city, else ur dead body will b shown in #DABIQ5 lolz’

Bedroom fantasist? Possibly though, though his desire to join the Pakistani army is as disturbing as it is revealing.
However if you read the profiles of those British IS ‘jihadists’ recently killed in Iraq and Syria, as reported in the Daily Telegraph, there a striking similarities. To give just two examples:-

 ‘Raised in north London, he studied business administration at Hertfordshire University in Hatfield where he was an enthusiastic member of the Hurricanes, the university’s American football team, posting photos of himself wearing the team kit on his Facebook page.’

‘Before travelling to Syria, Akram, who had a degree in biomedical sciences degree, was working as an estate agent in London having previously worked in Marks & Spencer, according to his LinkedIn profile.’
British Jihadis 

Should we be surprised that young men who play American Football, study business administration or biomedical science and take the trouble to create a LinkedIn profile should go and fight for the kind of society IS seeks to create, committing hideous crimes in the process? Depressingly I think we should not, indeed if the twentieth century taught us anything it surely taught us something about the ubiquity and, to use Hannah Arendt’s phrase, the ‘banality’ of evil. 
The German Einsatzgruppen murder squads, operating behind the front in Poland, Belorussia, Ukraine and Russia systematically exterminated men women and children. These killing squads consisted of butchers, bakers, and printers, led by those who possessed higher qualifications, lawyers and doctors and civil servants. From the occupied areas they found plenty of willing accomplices, perfectly ordinary folk who up until that point had led perfectly mundane lives, but quickly became willing butchers of their Jewish neighbors.[1]
The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick

So be clear the nice young man packing your groceries in Sainsbury’s may be more than capable of committing mass murder and genocide,- the rape and mass enslavement of women who just happen to belong to the wrong religious sect. This has nothing whatsoever to do with race, as it happens the nice young man is good white boy from a non-religious background, who chooses to convert to Islam, not, as Mark Steyn points out for spiritual uplift, but because “it’s the coolest gang on the planet,” and he’s bored and wants to be ‘someone.’ [2] Jihad mandated by Islam is the key. Murder is just below the surface.
This is of course extremely depressing, though we should not be surprised. We are primates who in the great scheme of things have only just emerged from the primordial swamp. The majority of our most basic instincts are often at odds with and poorly equip us to live in, the kind of civilization we have constructed for ourselves. Bestial instincts lie within all of us, hunter gatherers who may need to slaughter others for food or sex.
That said, and despite our relatively primitive state, we have constructed a remarkable civilization, one that has learned how to curb these instincts, it is a civilization defending, worth saving. Additionally some of our most basic instincts also equip us to protect this civilization, solidarity, compassion, tribal loyalty, linked to intelligence can be potent weapons. Look no further than the Kurdish community defending Kobane, to see a demonstration of this. For every head chopping Neanderthal[3] there are a dozen young women of the YPG fighting for human values such as equality, freedom and the right to live peacefully in just communities. "Haval," is their motto, which means "friendship" in the Kurdish language.
Young Kurdish YPJ
Resistance Fighter
It’s as if we have just woken up to find the primitive Mongol tribes living in our midst intent upon our slaughter, and now we find ourselves in a fight.
The ideology that would destroy us is Islamism, and Islamic extremism, as barbaric as Nazism, though precisely because of its religious attire much more pernicious. Whilst the vast majority of Muslims around the world are vehemently hostile to Al Quada and IS they do have a problem since, "…the overwhelming weight of the problem lies in the world of Islam, and much of it has its roots in the ideological language of blood and war emanating from the Salafist movement within Islam, globally backed by Saudi Arabia."[4] This has to be confronted by Muslims themselves. As far as non-Muslims are concerned we must speak plainly about these issues, no more obfuscation or skirting around the issues. We owe it to the next generation and to ensure that the primitive primates that we are continue to grow and develop.

POSTSCRIPT: Warning not for the sensitive or easily offended.

I see that yet another young British man has died fighting for IS. With his death has come the predictable talk about him being a good boy led astray, that he had been ‘radicalized’ or even brainwashed. There is in this a combination of wishful thinking and denial, that a young British man could go and commit crimes in a foreign country, of which he probably knew little, can only be explained by his having been ‘abducted by aliens.’
Nonsense, here are young men who have made choices, choices governed by their religious faith, which they, with considerable evidence to back them up, believed required that they go take part in ‘jihad.’
The boy’s father said that he had died a martyr’s death. No he didn’t he died the death of a young mercenary thug who was complicit in the rape, murder or enslavement of poor Christians and Yazidis, who never had anything like the life opportunities he had. I for one am with the Kurdish defenders of Kobane who dropped him. One less for them to bother about.  


[1] See Neighbours Jan T Gross, The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland, 1941. Arrow books 2003.
[2] It seems that young British women recruited by IS have proved to be particularly efficient and zealous members of the all-women al-Khanssaa Brigade, the IS equivalent of female SS guards. “It is the British women who have risen to the top of the Islamic State’s sharia police… Aspiring doctor Aqsa Mahmood, 20, who fled her Glasgow home last November, is understood to be part of the brigade.” See
[3] I realise I am being unfair to Neanderthals.
[4] My apologies but I have lost the citation for this quote. I am including it anyway since I think it speaks to an essential truth. 

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