The election of George Galloway, with a surprisingly large majority to the Bradford West seat provided a surreal end to what had been an extraordinarily surreal week. Albeit an extremely unpleasant one; he missed being a bad April fool’s day joke by just two days. The overwhelming sensation I get on seeing Mr Galloway is a desire to pour buckets of shit over his head and this is not a temptation I feel any great compulsion to fight. However, wearily once again we must have to deal with this thoroughly odious man.
Polly Toynbee, a woman for whom I have a great deal of time, described him, mistakenly, as being a great orator and debater. I guess much depends on what constitutes great oratory, were Hitler or Mussolini great orators? Well both had the capacity to inflame the masses so one may need to concede that point, though he is hardly an orator in the tradition of Nye Bevan or Michael Foot, both of whom combined oratory with considerable wit and in the latter’s case erudition. But great debater he is not. He is a demagogue who does not debate but seeks to bully and intimidate, he is master of the ad hominem attack and of vulgar abuse.
Polly Toynbee stated that Mr Galloway tended to wipe the floor with his opponents; well he certainly seeks to bludgeon them into silence. However when Galloway faces a determined opponent such as Christopher Hitchens if there is any floor wiping to be done it is Mr Galloway who ends up playing the role of the mop.
Galloway of course is infamous for kowtowing to a variety of dictatorial regimes and disgusting dictators, Saddam Hussein, President Assad and
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad President of the ‘Islamic’ Republic of Iran to name but three; his current loyalties lying with those fighting to return Afghanistan back into a medieval theocracy. These misogynist acid throwing fanatics allied to feudal drug lords he lauds and compares to the French resistance. Though one wonders what his Taliban Islamacist friends would actually make of Mr Galloway in the flesh, one suspect’s that they would take a dim view of his performance on Big Brother. Indeed it is difficult to think of a stronger image of decadence than a politician playing the role of a pussycat outside of Caligula’s Rome. Should he attempt such a foray he might literally be lucky to escape with his head?
However never let it be said that Mr Galloway is not flexible, he has a face for every situation, when visiting his friend Assad in Syria he hailed the Iraqi ‘resistance’, whilst in this country he likes to present as the anti war peacenik, as Daniel in the lions den, declaring amongst other things that Tony Blair is a war criminal. However when faced with real war criminals and dictatorial thugs he turns in a performance rather akin to a fawning puppy.
He gets some of his cash from the Iranian propaganda station Press TV and his interview with Mr Ahmadinejad on this station presented a degree of obsequiousness not seen on British Television since the 1950’s. He fearlessly probed and prodded the Iranian theocrat with questions along the lines of ‘having demonstrated its peaceful intentions and flexibility how will Iran react to further sanctions………’ I paraphrase but the nauseating interview is on Youtube if you have the stomach.
When facing somewhat more challenging interviews himself about such matters as his relationship with the Iranian President, as he was by Andrew Neil, he reacts with bluster and his usual ad hominem style,
ttp://  Though increasingly, given his newly acquired magisterial status, he threatens to walk out or actually does so. This latter development is much to be encouraged since we cannot have too little of Mr Galloway on British TV.
Mr Galloway is a dangerous demagogue, capable of stirring up a great deal of poisonous mischief amongst the Muslim community in Bradford and the UK as a whole and he should be monitored closely. It is however important to keep the problem he presents in proper portion; British society regularly throws up unpleasant demagogues and rabble rousers, best personified by P G Woodehouse in the form of Roderick Spode, leader of the Black Shorts, and invariably succeeds in both inoculating itself against such malign influences and marginalising them. What the likes of self important individuals like Galloway most fear is ridicule and I cannot think of a better target to make fun off than the vain, cigar chomping cockerel, who imitates Churchill.

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