Laurie Penny

Laurie Penny, a regular contributor to the Guardian is upset. She has been forced to address an issue she obviously would rather duck. This is the request by some Muslim student organisations that at events they organise they be allowed to segregate audiences along gender lines.

I have already written about this demand which seems to have finally pushed some woolly liberals into bestirring themselves to protest. This has infuriated Ms Penny, not least since others protesting about this ban hold reactionary views, some even, and here you will have to steady yourself for a moment, have been ‘white men!’

 ‘I am infuriated by white men stirring up anti-Muslim prejudice to derail debate on western sexism.’

Speaking as one of white men who protested this attempt to facilitate such segregation according to Ms Penny I should have self censored, having no business whatsoever addressing such issues. (Incidentally it does not seem to occur to her that it is possible to be white, male, and Muslim, and opposed to gender segregation, but expecting such coherent thinking from someone so obviously caught up in their own righteous indignation is perhaps expecting too much).

In an article that would do credit to any totalitarian organ of the right or left it uses every sort of McCarthyite tactic; smearing opposition to such segregation by association with the EDL, the BNP, and the elite all male Oxford Club, the Guardian helpfully adorning the piece with a picture of an EDL protest. (I had hoped for better from the Guardian, it seems I hoped for too much).

Part of being a grown up involves the realisation that sometimes you find people in agreement with you whose views you otherwise abhor, and that sometimes their motives for aligning with your own position may indeed be questionable. Thus I find my self at one with Paul Dacre on the issue of the attempts to impose state regulation on the press. Perhaps I now need spell out to Ms Penny in words of one syllable that this does not make me a fully signed up member of the Daily Mail beat up a benefit scrounging foreigner club.

It seems that Ms Penny had to amend her article to include the fact that ‘…many Asian women's groups and individual Muslim feminists joined the subsequent protests, sometimes taking personal risks to do so.” My how that sentence must have hurt. Though she goes on to state, ‘…Unfortunately, right-wing commentators and tabloids seized upon the issue to imply that Islamic extremists are taking over the British academy.’ She goes on to say that consequently ‘Muslim Feminists [are]…forced to watch their truth, to paraphrase that fusty old racist Rudyard Kipling, "twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools".[1] In so doing becoming, unlike the morally firm Ms Penny, dupes of white men who ‘…don't care about women. They care about stoking controversy, attacking Muslims and shouting down feminists of all stripes.’ Blimey there are my motives exposed for all to see.

This is a nasty little article, incoherent, riddled with smears and Orwellian Doublethink. The giveaway line in the piece is:-

‘We are the fools, if we believe that accepting aggressive distinctions between nice, safe western sexism and scary, heathen Muslim sexism is going to serve the interests of women.’

Leaving aside the implication that those like my self who opposed this attempt at segregation believe in something called ‘nice, safe western sexism’ the key words to hone in on are ‘aggressive distinctions.’ Here lies the heart of the argument, - and indeed the heart of her self image as a bloody but unbowed warrior. From this point of view it is essential that there be no distinctions between the gender pay gap, sexism in the media and the ongoing verbal and physical violence that women suffer in Britain and the institutionalised oppression in the Islamic world. Indeed criticism of the latter might be camouflage for racism and colonialism and something called ‘Islamaphobia.’ 

This unpleasantly and shoddy piece of work could be laughed off where it not for the fact that the opinions expressed are poisoning a serious debate. Ms Penny’s views must be confronted, and the perverse thinking that they express, exposed.

The kind of Sexism that is still prevalent in British Society, for example as illustrated by the hideous attacks on Stella Creasy on social media, must continually be confronted and fought. However anyone who believes that there is no qualitative difference between the kind of difficulties that women face here than the kind they face in say Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia or Pakistan is a fool.

Perhaps Ms Penny is such a fool; her article certainly contains such indications. However she may be much worse than a fool, she may be being dishonest as well as cowardly, that for all her talk of the wearying burden of struggle that she will duck that struggle when opposing sexism becomes entangled with minority rights and cultural and religious sensibilities. To take a stand in these circumstances would involve real risks and might also alienate some of those very cultural and religious groups whom it is essential for her self image that she be seen to support. Such a position of course would involve the kind of rank hypocrisy with which she seeks to impugn others.

[1] There is something particularly comic about her quoting Kipling. 

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