I don’t know what was more nauseating, the smug self congratulatory tone in Parliament over the dangerous and illiberal attack on free expression represented by the tawdry deal done in Ed Miliband’s office in the early hours of Monday morning, or the revolting spectacle of Newspapers like the Sun or Daily Mail quoting Churchill, Orwell and John Stuart Mill. I mean Orwell, John Stuart Mill, do these people have no shame? Sorry, I forgot, of course they don’t.
Meanwhile, despite being no part of the Leveson proposals, the establishment, for given the three party consensuses we must now call it that, shiftily inserted a clause to the Royal Charter to embrace[1] the Internet;[2] extending control over  any ‘news related material,’ that is blogs like this one.
Of course the government says don’t worry your pretty little heads, we don’t mean people like you. The Charter of course makes no such distinction. Whenever I hear this kind of reassurance I know I’m in trouble.

Meanwhile yesterday the government past a measure tawdry even by its own squalid standards; having been found guilty in the courts of illegally coercing people to work for free for organisations like Poundland[3] and consequently being the required to make good the lost wages, the government simply changed the law retrospectively .In this way they avoided paying the people they had illegally sanctioned.
So much for the rule of law, from now on the law, when it comes to the unemployed and disadvantaged is what ever the government says it is. It would be nice to think this disgusting behaviour would at least free us from lectures about ‘the rule of law’ and the preposterous proposition that we are all equal before the law! I fear however it will not.
This measure was steered through parliament by the truly odious Iain Duncan Smith, I am not given easily to personal hate but in the case of Mr Smith I can make an exception.  The man is wholly malign, devoid of empathy or compassion, bitter and twisted; he carries on his own personal vendetta against the uppity unemployed who have the temerity to insist upon their legal rights.

After the Titanic went down the agency that employed the musicians, who famously played whilst the ship was sinking, billed their families for the cost of the dead men’s uniforms;[4] today fines and preposterous rules are being imposed on cleaners contracted to clean the hotels and large corporation,  by the agencies that employ them for a pittance..
 We now live in a more unequal society than at any time since before the First World War. Whilst corporations like Amazon and Starbucks milk the taxpayer and stash the cash in offshore accounts and bankers award themselves grotesque amounts of money for mismanaging their respective institutions, the Government decrees that £71 per week is sufficient for food, clothing, travel, gas and electricity and laundry, an amount most Government ministers pay for a couple of bottles of reasonable plonk; plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.

[1] Rather in the manner that a snake embraces its victim.
[3] Such court cases are of course no longer supposed to happen, since welfare is now excluded from legal aid.
[4] Both the White Star Line and the agency concerned wriggled out of paying any compensation to the families, each arguing in court that it was the others responsibility. See ‘And The Band Played On,’Christopher Ward, Hodder and Stuaghton. 

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