Depardieu attends a celebration in his honour held by Russian Puppet in Chechnya

The inquest is about to commence of the murdered Russian agent Alexander Litvinenko. His widow is currently being treated abdominally by the British state whom he assisted. The pathological liar Chris Grayling's Justice Department refusing her legal aid :- 

Litvinenko was murdered by agents of the Russian state who poisoned him with radiation leaving him to die a prolonged and agonising death. 
The Russian State has never been a stable democracy, in the two brief windows in which democracy might have taken root, February 1917 and after the collapse of The Soviet union in 1991; external forces on both occasions, in the first instance in the shape of war and in the second the imposition of a wholly inappropriate model of free market capitalism, served to strangle the baby at birth. 
Since that time Russia has descended gradually, into what has been characterised as a Mafia state; it is a state that robs and cheats its own citizens and bullies, intimidates and ultimately sanctions the murder of its critics and opponents. The hit men and concrete boots brigade have no shortage of work in Putin’s Russia. 
The response of European democracies to the erosion of freedom and democratic norms in Russia has been, to say the least muted. Too much money involved you understand. Still the liberal intelligentsia, those for example involved in music, literature, film, theatre, the arts have no such constraints; faced with the events like the Pussy Riot trial, the savage homophobic legislation, the ongoing murder and intimidation of journalists they can, and often do, speak out. 
Not so Citizen Depardieu, enter the court jester, the clown at King Putin’s court. Who stuffs himself at a banquet, imagining he is eating in a palace whilst dining in a sewer. Take a bow Gerard Depardieu, the buffoon without a moral principle in his body, whose guiding star is the dollar sign and whose contempt for the people of his native France he demonstrates with all the flair of a tap dancer in jackboots. 

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