Over the weekend I watched
some of Barrack Obama’s trip to Israel and the occupied territories, -such is the life of the political geek.
Obama is an extraordinarily eloquent speaker, he knows instinctively how to
use his voice to maxim effect, inflection and emphasis, nuance and rhetoric are
all there. He is certainly the best presidential speaker in my lifetime, which
includes Kennedy. However therein lies the nature of the man, he is a preacher, albeit humane, well mannered, erudite and eloquent, a truly civilized man.
Words and good intentions however do not change anything, indeed devoid of action all Obama’s
eloquence is simply windy rhetoric. Put another way, Obama is now into his
second term, what has he achieved? He has managed to steer a moderate reform of
healthcare passed a rabid Republican party. What else has he done?

He then set to work pushing
an agenda he knew would make fierce enemies, because he believed it to be the right thing and was determined to make the US a fairer place; but for the
crime of the Vietnam war, which remember, he inherited from the saintly
Kennedy, he would be remembered as a great president.
How will we remember
Barrack Obama?
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