1. Few things better demonstrate a culture gone mad than the so called ‘war on drugs.’ One might as well declare a war on hedonism. When Marx famously described religion as the opium of the people he was not only providing a critique of religion. Indeed in the absence of religion opium, gin, vodka or cannabis become the opium of the people. Given that for all of recorded history life for the great mass of people has been nasty, brutish and short it is hardly surprising that the desire to use substances to mood alter has become embedded into almost every culture. Given that advanced capitalism no longer promises an ever greater expansion of leisure time and improved quality of life, substituting instead of this promised Eden a 'work till you drop' ethos, it is hardly a surprise that the response should be recourse to the wine bottle or jar of happy pills. That addiction and dependency are the logical manifestation of this response is a predictable as the incoming tide. A...