Someone has contacted me
to say they found this shocking and in bad taste. Well I certainly hope it does
shock people, this is a shocking thing I am writing about. I own that the way I have
sought to convey my shock is controversial. However when I read about this case
I was so angry that I felt that another angry piece of polemic was useless. I felt
the only way to talk about what happened to this little girl was to deliberately
set out to shock. AT

‘An eight-year-old Yemeni
girl has died of internal bleeding on her wedding night after marrying a man
five times her age, a social activist and two local residents said, in a case
that has caused an outcry in the media and revived debate about child brides.’
Guardian 11th September 2013
The Brides Betrayal
The Bride wore white
Upon her wedding night
Entranced the groom could
barely wait
No matter that his bride had
just turned eight.
Although a man of forty
He brushed aside his young
bride’s tears
A virgin bloom was as it all
should be
And some resistance only
right you see.
But his bride truth must
be told
Before the night was old
Betrayed her wedding vows
Her body stiff and cold
Though married life had barely just began
Even before the rising of
the sun
Failing in her duty it must
be sadly said,
The bride lay dead upon the
wedding bed.
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